Thursday, October 14, 2010

Santiago's Turism

I know that Santiago is not the capital of turism in the world.. And not even in Latinamerica.. But i'll try to give you some tips to have a really good time as a foreigner anyway!...

First of all, you have to take some cautions when you're beeing a tourist in Santiago... Things like, you got to be carefull with your stuff, so you wont get robbed; you got to USE THE SUNSCREEN since the sun radiation here is really dangerous. And some other things that you'll learn in the way...

Well, about places you should go.. These is my list:

1. "Cerro San Cristobal" : Is a really good place to go because is really beautiful (it has a cable car, it divides the city in two parts... etc) And also you can go to the Zoo there!.. So you can also meet some of our wild life!

2. "Plaza de armas" : Historical place... It is like, always crowded with birds but, nevertheless, it is a place you should go in Santiago de Chile to now some more of our culture. There, for examle, is the main cathedral of Chile! (REALLY BEAUTIFUL) And i think there is the main "Mail's house".

3. "Barrio Bellavista" : Then, when you're tired in the night and you want to go to a place to have some drinks and relax with your friends: "Barrio bellavista" Is the place you should go. But be careful! because as it gets late in the night, it gets more dangerous (full of drunk people). I see that as a funny thing to watch anyway xd.

4. "Cerro Santa Lucía" : As the "Cerro San Cristobal" is a beautiful place to go and it has a advantage on people who likes to do sports because it is a really nice place to go for a running... Just go all the way up by yourself! xP
It is also a histrical place, AND There is a funny thing to watch (or hear): Just wait till 12 o' clock on noon and see what happens!

5. "Mall" : And, finally, you should go to a mall in Santiago. How can you ever been in Santiago and not bring presents back home!? Or some souvenirs?.. xd
This is the place to find that kind of stuff. And there are some really nice malls out there! ;)

So come to "Santaigo de Chile"!!.. And dont forget that "Santiago IS NOT Chile!!"

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Death Penalty! =O

Well.. This is a very controversial topic... And im used to have the most different opinions when im discussing this ''thing''.. So, let's get started, shall we? xd

In my opinion the Death penalty, on the prisioner's view, has two very marked sides. The bad one and the good one xd..
The bad one is that, this ''act'' is the worst thing you could do to a person's liberty. It is the maximun expression of slavery on a man because he can't choose anything in his life!, not even the time when he's going to die!...
I think that the last choice that a man looses, is when to die.

And, on the bright side, on the prisioner's view again, he will rest in peace!...
When you deserve the death penalty is because you have been really bad. And you DESERVE to pay for that really bad things you did.
Maybe there's no hell for that guy, and MAYBE, there is a paradise waiting for us.. And we are sending him right to that place!...
We don't know that.. But what we do know is that he will suffer pretty much if we give him a very long long life imprisonment (here, with us... Where we can see him)

So if u ask me if i agree with the death penalty, i would say that it can be the worst thing for a man who aprecciates his liberties (in the way that i do), but, even though i would say NO... Because thats an easy way out for the condemmed. And he doesn't deserve that...

Yes im mean =( ... xd

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Unreachable Australia

I would LOVE to go to Australia!
It has been my dream since i was a kid. And with the time, it has turned like an unreacheable goal for me...

I really dont know that much about Australia, but the things that i've already seen are enough for me. When i was a young boy (even more than now), I used to watch a lot the animal planet channe, and what i liked the most was when the show was about Australia's wildlife. Do you know who was Steve Irwin?... God! i was really bad when he died.
He was like one of my idols, and when i see him it's like, ''That's the thing that i want to do!''

Well, going back to the main subject, the thing is that i've tried to go to Australia but i've failed.. I tried to go from Venezuela, in an exchange program called "AFS" and i was so close!.. but at the end i had to return to Chile and for some reason my mom didn't let me go. I don't blame her, cuz the system wasn't very organized and we had some money problems.
So, now im trying to go from here!.. Loking for an University exchange program, maybe for third year.
And if everything goes wrong, i have a plan B!.. and that would be to graduate as a veterinary doctor and then "throw myself to the life" going to Australia and try to make it there... I dont know, get a job, maybe a Phd or something..

For now, i just need to concentrate in my studies. You don't know whats going to happen in the future... Maybe i get married and dont do any of these stuff!..
I hope that doesnt happen.. hehe

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Transiantiago >> Before and after

The transantiago!!... What a beautiful system of transport! Implanted about 4 years ago (i think), and the best way of transport we had since that date (and the worse too, since is the only one).

I've heard that this system is more complicated than the old one because now you have to take like two busses and the underground instead of just one bus to make it to the same place.
Well i cant say if this system is better than the old one, or more messy, or anything because i didn't tried the old one... I wasn't in Santiago.
The one thing that i could compare this system to, is with the one that was implanted in Venezuela. And is like comparing heaven with hell (With Chile as Heaven!).

There are many things that i would like to change about the Transantiago system to make it better. Even thinking that it is already fine...
One of the most important things that i would change is the time and synchronization of the buses routes. It just drive me crazy when sometimes i have to wait like 30 minutes for the ''212'' bus, and when it comes, there is a whole fleet of 212's sticked together, with the first one crowded and the others empty... Useless.

I could go on and on mentioning things that could improve the Transantiago system but, at the end, i really think that is not that bad. I just think that it is still improving. Theres nothing in this world that borns and, the next day, it just runs fine.

Let's give the Transantiago a little more time to prove itself worthy. xP

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First term of 2010

Well.. during the first term of 2010 i made things that are totally related with what i want to do in mi life!
First, i did an elective course called ''ornithology'' that was with an amazing teacher: Cristián Estades.
He's one of the most importants ornithologist in Chile and he is very good on what he does.

Also, i did other things like train with the faculty's soccer team and it go very well!... By now im oficially accepted in the team and im going to be the new central defender! so im very hapy for it.

When the first term was ending, i had to face two huge challenges. One was to pass all the final tests so i wouldn't delay with any subjects... and i did it! (i realize that it wasn't that hard)
And the other one was to move to a new house!... This was difficult, and it still is.
I cant get use to my new house. For example, i keep getting late for my classes 'cause i still dont have the notions of the time that i need to commute to my highschool.

Finally, at the very end of the term (in vacations), my mom had to travel to Venezuela. And she still doesn't come back!... She missed my birthday so that was a bad thing for me... But it doesn't matter. I talk with her yesterday and she told me that she'll be back next week!
So things are getting better! =)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Final Session: Ideal Job

My Ideal Job is In WildLife!!!
Yes that is right, i love Wildlife. But there is just one problem.. The money is TERRIBLE! People just don't get how important is to get on with the world we are living in! And to conservate it and the animals species we could find there!

Well.. i guess this job is just for the ones who really love it.. Like me! It is my vocation.
Thats why my PERFECT job would be in Wildlife BUT with good money.. hehehe
I guess i'll just have to be the best! thats not going to be easy.. Lucky me that i love challenges.

However, i knew about this job because my cousin (a graduated vet) is working on this area!... He is the one who called me to assist him in Chiloé (where i took the Harvestmen photo) so i guess i have some experience in this area!
That why i can say... I LOVE IT! =)

Session 3: My fovurite Website

One of my favourite websites in the internet is the Roadrunner Records's one.
As its name says, it is a records page of some rock music bands. I love this page because it is very actualized. So with this page i can see all the new realeases of my favourite rock bands... and also i can get to see and hear new bands that i did not listen to before. And i say ''see'' because it has the songs videos too!

I visit it every i can stay up to date with the news, and new releases.
It is amazing to see how rock bands never stop to make new things! new songs, new videos, new concerts... and if they get tired ore bored, they make new bands!

I found this page when i was looking for a video of my favourite progressive metal band, Dream Theater. I was looking for this song called "Wither" and i finally got to get it in this page that is in charge of Dream Theater videos. Another reason to love this page!

By the way!.. here is the link!... Click me

Rock on!