Thursday, November 26, 2009

Final Session: Ideal Job

My Ideal Job is In WildLife!!!
Yes that is right, i love Wildlife. But there is just one problem.. The money is TERRIBLE! People just don't get how important is to get on with the world we are living in! And to conservate it and the animals species we could find there!

Well.. i guess this job is just for the ones who really love it.. Like me! It is my vocation.
Thats why my PERFECT job would be in Wildlife BUT with good money.. hehehe
I guess i'll just have to be the best! thats not going to be easy.. Lucky me that i love challenges.

However, i knew about this job because my cousin (a graduated vet) is working on this area!... He is the one who called me to assist him in ChiloƩ (where i took the Harvestmen photo) so i guess i have some experience in this area!
That why i can say... I LOVE IT! =)

Session 3: My fovurite Website

One of my favourite websites in the internet is the Roadrunner Records's one.
As its name says, it is a records page of some rock music bands. I love this page because it is very actualized. So with this page i can see all the new realeases of my favourite rock bands... and also i can get to see and hear new bands that i did not listen to before. And i say ''see'' because it has the songs videos too!

I visit it every i can stay up to date with the news, and new releases.
It is amazing to see how rock bands never stop to make new things! new songs, new videos, new concerts... and if they get tired ore bored, they make new bands!

I found this page when i was looking for a video of my favourite progressive metal band, Dream Theater. I was looking for this song called "Wither" and i finally got to get it in this page that is in charge of Dream Theater videos. Another reason to love this page!

By the way!.. here is the link!... Click me

Rock on!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I took this picture!.... Isn't it amazing? hehehe...
These are called ''Harvestmen''. They have eight legs, but they're not Spiders!...
Harvestmen are invertebrate animals that belong to the order of Opiliones...

The main differences between Harvestmen and Spiders are that in harvestmen the body sections (''opistosoma'' and ''prosoma'') are joined, so they look like an egg... And also, the Harvestmen have no Venom.

This picture was taken in ChiloƩ about two months ago. I went there to help my cousin in the projects that he's working on for the Conservation of the native species that are found in that region.

I like this photo because I always thought that in the wilds of the forests, animals that are too beautiful and colorful are dangerous as well (like venomous frogs or stuff like that) like if they where warning the other ones who gets to see them…

Harvestmen aren’t like that… they are inoffensive little animals that can only defend themselves playing dead ore with Scent glands…

I also like this picture because… i took it!...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Session 1 : My favourite piece of technology.

Hi there!
This is my first post on my fisrt blog!... I'm so excited.
Im going to talk about my favourite piece of technology...

My friend's Mp4!

I got it when my phone's airphones crashed and i couldn't listen my music anymore... My friend (Chixo) saw how sad i was and he lend me his Mp4... (He had an Ipod, so he wasn't using the Mp4... thats why he did't mind).

I use it in my way to the university, at the bus and the metrostation, and i use it every single day.

I LOVE music, thats why i like to have one of these Mp4's, so i can hear my favourites songs and dont get bored on my everyday-travels.

A few days ago my new airphones crashed again... i hope i can get a new ones really soon... Cuz i can tell you my life is not the same without them, without my music... So boring...