Thursday, September 30, 2010

Unreachable Australia

I would LOVE to go to Australia!
It has been my dream since i was a kid. And with the time, it has turned like an unreacheable goal for me...

I really dont know that much about Australia, but the things that i've already seen are enough for me. When i was a young boy (even more than now), I used to watch a lot the animal planet channe, and what i liked the most was when the show was about Australia's wildlife. Do you know who was Steve Irwin?... God! i was really bad when he died.
He was like one of my idols, and when i see him it's like, ''That's the thing that i want to do!''

Well, going back to the main subject, the thing is that i've tried to go to Australia but i've failed.. I tried to go from Venezuela, in an exchange program called "AFS" and i was so close!.. but at the end i had to return to Chile and for some reason my mom didn't let me go. I don't blame her, cuz the system wasn't very organized and we had some money problems.
So, now im trying to go from here!.. Loking for an University exchange program, maybe for third year.
And if everything goes wrong, i have a plan B!.. and that would be to graduate as a veterinary doctor and then "throw myself to the life" going to Australia and try to make it there... I dont know, get a job, maybe a Phd or something..

For now, i just need to concentrate in my studies. You don't know whats going to happen in the future... Maybe i get married and dont do any of these stuff!..
I hope that doesnt happen.. hehe

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Transiantiago >> Before and after

The transantiago!!... What a beautiful system of transport! Implanted about 4 years ago (i think), and the best way of transport we had since that date (and the worse too, since is the only one).

I've heard that this system is more complicated than the old one because now you have to take like two busses and the underground instead of just one bus to make it to the same place.
Well i cant say if this system is better than the old one, or more messy, or anything because i didn't tried the old one... I wasn't in Santiago.
The one thing that i could compare this system to, is with the one that was implanted in Venezuela. And is like comparing heaven with hell (With Chile as Heaven!).

There are many things that i would like to change about the Transantiago system to make it better. Even thinking that it is already fine...
One of the most important things that i would change is the time and synchronization of the buses routes. It just drive me crazy when sometimes i have to wait like 30 minutes for the ''212'' bus, and when it comes, there is a whole fleet of 212's sticked together, with the first one crowded and the others empty... Useless.

I could go on and on mentioning things that could improve the Transantiago system but, at the end, i really think that is not that bad. I just think that it is still improving. Theres nothing in this world that borns and, the next day, it just runs fine.

Let's give the Transantiago a little more time to prove itself worthy. xP

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First term of 2010

Well.. during the first term of 2010 i made things that are totally related with what i want to do in mi life!
First, i did an elective course called ''ornithology'' that was with an amazing teacher: Cristián Estades.
He's one of the most importants ornithologist in Chile and he is very good on what he does.

Also, i did other things like train with the faculty's soccer team and it go very well!... By now im oficially accepted in the team and im going to be the new central defender! so im very hapy for it.

When the first term was ending, i had to face two huge challenges. One was to pass all the final tests so i wouldn't delay with any subjects... and i did it! (i realize that it wasn't that hard)
And the other one was to move to a new house!... This was difficult, and it still is.
I cant get use to my new house. For example, i keep getting late for my classes 'cause i still dont have the notions of the time that i need to commute to my highschool.

Finally, at the very end of the term (in vacations), my mom had to travel to Venezuela. And she still doesn't come back!... She missed my birthday so that was a bad thing for me... But it doesn't matter. I talk with her yesterday and she told me that she'll be back next week!
So things are getting better! =)