Friday, October 16, 2009

Session 1 : My favourite piece of technology.

Hi there!
This is my first post on my fisrt blog!... I'm so excited.
Im going to talk about my favourite piece of technology...

My friend's Mp4!

I got it when my phone's airphones crashed and i couldn't listen my music anymore... My friend (Chixo) saw how sad i was and he lend me his Mp4... (He had an Ipod, so he wasn't using the Mp4... thats why he did't mind).

I use it in my way to the university, at the bus and the metrostation, and i use it every single day.

I LOVE music, thats why i like to have one of these Mp4's, so i can hear my favourites songs and dont get bored on my everyday-travels.

A few days ago my new airphones crashed again... i hope i can get a new ones really soon... Cuz i can tell you my life is not the same without them, without my music... So boring...


Miss said...

My friend's Mp4!

I got it when my phone's airphones crashed and i couldn't listen ^my music anymore... My friend (Chixo) saw how sad i was and he WF lend me his Mp4... (He had an Ipod, so he wasn't using the Mp4... thats why he did't mind).

I use it in my way to the university, WW at the bus and the metrostation, and i use it every single day.

I LOVE music, thats why i like to have one of these Mp4's, so i can hear my WF favourites songs and dont get bored on my WW everyday-travels.

A few days ago my new airphones crashed again... i hope i can get a new ones really soon... Cuz i can tell you my life is not the same without them, without my music... So boring...

well done! Although I think it is a bit short.
You might have explained who gave it to you or another relevant information to your gadge.

p.s. you got a 5.2

Nekita said...

My favourite piece of technology is the Mp4 too, You know! jejeje...
I'm very boring when I'm alone and without music.
If I had other airphones I give you them. but I don't have...sorry! althought I offer you my company to you not get bored, You think that? jajaja!...


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