Thursday, November 26, 2009

Final Session: Ideal Job

My Ideal Job is In WildLife!!!
Yes that is right, i love Wildlife. But there is just one problem.. The money is TERRIBLE! People just don't get how important is to get on with the world we are living in! And to conservate it and the animals species we could find there!

Well.. i guess this job is just for the ones who really love it.. Like me! It is my vocation.
Thats why my PERFECT job would be in Wildlife BUT with good money.. hehehe
I guess i'll just have to be the best! thats not going to be easy.. Lucky me that i love challenges.

However, i knew about this job because my cousin (a graduated vet) is working on this area!... He is the one who called me to assist him in ChiloƩ (where i took the Harvestmen photo) so i guess i have some experience in this area!
That why i can say... I LOVE IT! =)


Nekita said...

OLI!!!!! (K)

Nekita said...

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