Thursday, September 30, 2010

Unreachable Australia

I would LOVE to go to Australia!
It has been my dream since i was a kid. And with the time, it has turned like an unreacheable goal for me...

I really dont know that much about Australia, but the things that i've already seen are enough for me. When i was a young boy (even more than now), I used to watch a lot the animal planet channe, and what i liked the most was when the show was about Australia's wildlife. Do you know who was Steve Irwin?... God! i was really bad when he died.
He was like one of my idols, and when i see him it's like, ''That's the thing that i want to do!''

Well, going back to the main subject, the thing is that i've tried to go to Australia but i've failed.. I tried to go from Venezuela, in an exchange program called "AFS" and i was so close!.. but at the end i had to return to Chile and for some reason my mom didn't let me go. I don't blame her, cuz the system wasn't very organized and we had some money problems.
So, now im trying to go from here!.. Loking for an University exchange program, maybe for third year.
And if everything goes wrong, i have a plan B!.. and that would be to graduate as a veterinary doctor and then "throw myself to the life" going to Australia and try to make it there... I dont know, get a job, maybe a Phd or something..

For now, i just need to concentrate in my studies. You don't know whats going to happen in the future... Maybe i get married and dont do any of these stuff!..
I hope that doesnt happen.. hehe


Simón Araya Corey said...

Australia is a good place to be, I think that is one of my favourite future places.......
if one day you become a vet like Steve, I will be you fan ajahajhjahhajahjaahjahahah luis mario the crocodiles hunter!

Miss said...

I would LOVE to go to Australia!
It has been my dream since i was a kid. And with the time, it has turned like an unreacheable goal for me...

I really dont know that much about Australia, but the things that i've already seen are enough for me. When i was a young boy (even more than now), I used to watch a lot the animal planet channe, and what i liked the most was when the show was about Australia's wildlife. Do you know who was Steve Irwin?... God! i was really bad when he died.
He was like one of my idols, and when i see him it's like, ''That's the thing that i want to do!''

Well, going back to the main subject, the thing is that i've tried to go to Australia but i've failed.. I tried to go from Venezuela, in an exchange program called "AFS" and i was so close!.. but at the end i had to return to Chile and for some reason my mom didn't let me go. I don't blame her, cuz the system wasn't very organized and we had some money problems.
So, now im trying to go from here!.. sp Loking for an University exchange program, maybe for third year.
And if everything goes wrong, i have a plan B!.. and that would be to graduate as a veterinary doctor and then "throw myself to the life" going to Australia and try to make it there... I dont know, get a job, maybe a Phd or something..

For now, i just need to concentrate in my studies. You don't know whats going to happen in the future... Maybe i get married and dont do any of these stuff!..
I hope that doesnt happen.. hehe

well it sounds you have a plan anyway, plus you can get married, study more and go to Aussie land.
It is a very good professional choice if you decide to go to Australia, they need people there. good luck!

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