Thursday, October 14, 2010

Santiago's Turism

I know that Santiago is not the capital of turism in the world.. And not even in Latinamerica.. But i'll try to give you some tips to have a really good time as a foreigner anyway!...

First of all, you have to take some cautions when you're beeing a tourist in Santiago... Things like, you got to be carefull with your stuff, so you wont get robbed; you got to USE THE SUNSCREEN since the sun radiation here is really dangerous. And some other things that you'll learn in the way...

Well, about places you should go.. These is my list:

1. "Cerro San Cristobal" : Is a really good place to go because is really beautiful (it has a cable car, it divides the city in two parts... etc) And also you can go to the Zoo there!.. So you can also meet some of our wild life!

2. "Plaza de armas" : Historical place... It is like, always crowded with birds but, nevertheless, it is a place you should go in Santiago de Chile to now some more of our culture. There, for examle, is the main cathedral of Chile! (REALLY BEAUTIFUL) And i think there is the main "Mail's house".

3. "Barrio Bellavista" : Then, when you're tired in the night and you want to go to a place to have some drinks and relax with your friends: "Barrio bellavista" Is the place you should go. But be careful! because as it gets late in the night, it gets more dangerous (full of drunk people). I see that as a funny thing to watch anyway xd.

4. "Cerro Santa Lucía" : As the "Cerro San Cristobal" is a beautiful place to go and it has a advantage on people who likes to do sports because it is a really nice place to go for a running... Just go all the way up by yourself! xP
It is also a histrical place, AND There is a funny thing to watch (or hear): Just wait till 12 o' clock on noon and see what happens!

5. "Mall" : And, finally, you should go to a mall in Santiago. How can you ever been in Santiago and not bring presents back home!? Or some souvenirs?.. xd
This is the place to find that kind of stuff. And there are some really nice malls out there! ;)

So come to "Santaigo de Chile"!!.. And dont forget that "Santiago IS NOT Chile!!"


Hieldan said...
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Nekita said...

Santiago is not Chile! xD...
that is true, but is interesting know our city.
I like live here but sometimes I need scape to here.

Eve ^^ said...

I love the places that you described ;)In fact one of the last time I go out I went to Cerro Santa Lucia and was really tiring get to the top xD

Miss said...

I know that Santiago is not the capital of turism in the world.. And not even in Latinamerica.. But i'll try to give you some tips to have a really good time as a foreigner anyway!...

First of all, you have to take some cautions when you're SP beeing a tourist in Santiago... Things like, you got to be SP carefull with your stuff, so you wont get robbed; you got to USE THE SUNSCREEN since the sun radiation here is really dangerous. And some other things that you'll learn in the way...

Well, about places you should go.. WF These is my list:

1. "Cerro San Cristobal" : Is a really good place to go because is really beautiful (it has a cable car, it divides the city in two parts... etc) And also you can go to the Zoo there!.. So you can also meet some of our WF wild life!

2. "Plaza de armas" : Historical place... It is like, always crowded with birds but, nevertheless, it is a place you should go in Santiago de Chile to now some more of our culture. There, for examle, is the main cathedral of Chile! (REALLY BEAUTIFUL) And i think there is the main "Mail's house".

3. "Barrio Bellavista" : Then, when you're tired in the night and you want to go to a place to have some drinks and relax with your friends: "Barrio bellavista" Is the place you should go. But be careful! because as it gets late in the night, it gets more dangerous (full of drunk people). I see that as a funny thing to watch anyway xd.

4. "Cerro Santa Lucía" : As the "Cerro San Cristobal" is a beautiful place to go and it has a advantage on people who likes to do sports because it is a really nice place to go for a running... Just go all the way up by yourself! xP
It is also a histrical place, AND There is a funny thing to watch (or hear): Just wait till 12 o' clock on noon and see what happens!

5. "Mall" : And, finally, you should go to a mall in Santiago. How can you ever WF been in Santiago and not WF bring presents back home!? Or some souvenirs?.. xd
This is the place to find that kind of stuff. And there are some really nice malls out there! ;)

So come to "Santaigo de Chile"!!.. And dont forget that "Santiago IS NOT Chile!!"

very interesting tips... I also agree Stgo is not chile!

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